Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hiya, your homework for this week is to watch this, its very relevant. Please note that this is probably the last weekly update - I'm gonna switch to fortnightly updating after this.

I went to a day long music festival thing yesterday, much like some of the one day london festivals that happen. Highlights include watching a washed up Mike Skinner miserably failing to work the U.S. crowd whilst completely fucked on coke and really stoned, discovering the amazing Dan Deacon, and meeting the most retarded American so far. The following conversation took place after him guessing that I was from Australia:

RETARD: (to my friend) Oh, so your from Norway - do they, like, all have blond hair there?

I point to her clearly brown hair.

RETARD: Oh, okay, except for her.

NON-RETARD (person next to us): Yeh, like when we go to Europe and people ask us if Americans are all fat.

ME: Fair enough.

RETARD: Yeh, its like that steriotype that everyone in Portland is a lesbian.

ME: Is that a district in San Francisco - because there really are a lot of lesbians here you know.

RETARD: (looking outraged) WHAT! You don't know where Portland is? Its in Oregon. You do know where Oregon is don' you?

ME: Er, yeh, its near here right?

RETARD: (interupting me telling him that its just north of California) It's just North of California dude! How thew FUCK could you not know that? I learnt that in second grade! God, you retard.

ME: Er, okay, do you know where Manchester and Liverpool are?


He's definately letting the side down. Most people I've met have been quite bright, and very welcoming, and do not fit the steriotype that americans assume their county is by far and away the most important thing in the world, so that if they learnt all the states is second grade, so must everyone else have.

Anyway, on a personal note, I've had a lot of fun this week (mainly laughing at Alex who cracked his rib in a drunken play fight with his scottish friend, but also going to bars and such, and meeting some people from outside of the now claustrophobic I-House), and I am just about beginning to feel at home.

Truck on keepin'


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